Tuesday 14 May 2013

Wooden Window Restoration - Making The Task Simple

If the elements have gotten the best of your wooden windows, they will now need restoring. This task is somewhat tedious, but not very difficult.


For a modest investment in the supplies needed for this job, and a few hours work, you can restore each window successfully.


When older houses are left vacant for long periods of time, the owners sometimes neglect them or just forget. Your windows suffer, but this can be taken care of with a little bit of care.


If your wood still looks like it is in good shape, perhaps it just needs cleaning. This can be done with scrapers of different types. Just scrape at the old putty and remove it. If there is broken glass, this will need to be carefully removed, as well. Sometimes sanding is needed. It will make for a much smoother surface for your paint later. The new putty will stick better to fresh, clean wood, so you will need to prepare the bare wood for that with primer. It can be water or oil based.


After your glass is measured, add about one-eight of an inch to the width and the length of it to provide for clearance. The glass is then ordered, and you will find it in your neighbourhood home and building centre.


When the primer dries, your glass is ready to be installed. If you use thin beads of putty, this works out best. Place it in the groove for the glass. Then install the glass. Glazing points are also something of importance as you will need them placed just a bit from the corners and on the sides of the window for strength and security. Next you will need to putty the windows, and let it set for a couple of days, at least. The longer the better for the putty to dry. Scrape off any excess putty and it ready to paint. Tape up the edges of the glass to protect that from the excess splatters, and paint your wooden window.


So, if you are going to put forth your efforts into wooden window restoration, give thought to maintain them from then on, as well. In this way, your future repairs will be less costly and time consuming.

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Friday 29 March 2013

Sash Window Repairs 101

Most people prefer owning their own homes rather than renting out an apartment. This is because they will have full control of the houses and ownership. A house can never be complete without panes or windows. They ensure free ventilation of air inside the building and provide some sense of security. Sometimes these glass panes break. That calls for sash window repairs in your home.

The problem of jammed windows is common to most people. This happens when it has broken or it has some rust on it that prevents it form opening. In such situations, a home renovation professional solves these problems. Panes come in various sizes, shapes and material. This is an example of one that has two panels that are intended to slide over one another.

These two parts are designed in a counter balance system whereby they slide into a wooden box frame for purposes of insulation. The two parts may after a long time produce squeaking noises and to an extent jam to open. The remedy will be to dismantle the whole glass and remove the upper and lower strip then apply lubricants like oil on the pulleys and if they are damaged beyond repair they can be replaced with new ones.


Removal and repair of this pane might sound easy as many and anyone might try and fix their window following advice from the internet or other sources but for a fact the process needs to be done by a professional. DIY has a person who is properly trained to handle such matters. The reason as to why it is advised that only professionals should handle this is to avoid destroying the whole window when just repairing a small part.
The main problem that faces it is rotting of the wood. The frame holding the panes together might rot and the solution to that will be removal of wood. After removal it is then replaced with another hard wood that is sanded to smoothness and then applied with vanish to give a good outward appearance to the house and home and to make it last for long.

Experts face certain challenges when carrying out construction of this type of skylight. The major one is that of a broken cord. A profession ought to cut it into two pieces to place it on the window. However, it is not a guarantee that it can never decay or break. It might decay due to aging or heavy weight. However, this is not to discourage you as it can always be replaced with another one.
Users should exercise some level of caution when dealing with the type of panes. One of such is to avoid using so much force when opening it. Another one is regular check ups on them so as to repair any pane that requires maintenance. These steps are essential to all home owners for draught proofing.

It might sometimes not function due to the rust in the pulley system and thus lubrication is more important at that case. The pulleys can also be removed if they are damaged to the extent of not able to be repaired. The cords of the panes are also subject to decay but if they do decay the remedy will be to remove and replace with new ones. All sash window repairs should be done carefully to avoid destruction of the house.

If repairing your sash windows is not an option and you live in the UK then we would urge you to visit: www.woodenwindowsupplierslondon.com This london based timber window manufacturer designs and creates bespoke wood windows from solid hard wood and provide cheap wooden windows with free delivery throughout the London area.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

How To Replace A Broken Sash Cord Yourself

Learning how to change a broken cord on a sash window is a simple do it yourself project that just about anyone can learn to do. Before beginning, there are several items that will be needed to complete the task. It is always good to check to be sure all the supplies are on hand before starting the project.

Some of the items may already be in the tool box, but if needed, they can be purchased at the local hardware store. Included in the list of supplies are a putty knife, wood putty, finish nails, nylon or cotton rope, a pry bar, hammer, a set of screwdrivers, and a utility knife.
DIY sash cord replacement is not as hard as it sounds, go on give it a go today - save yourself some money and change that sash cord as a DIY project with our easu DIY Guide to sash cord replacement.

Usually found in older homes, these double hung windows use weights to hold the sash up. The weights are attached to the frame on both sides by a line that loops around a pulley. Over a period of time, chafing, dirt, and sun can cause the rope or line to deteriorate and break. When this happens it needs to be replaced. It is a good idea to replace the cords on both side while everything is taken apart.

Begin the project by removing several window parts so that the weight pocket can be accessed. The first pieces to be removed are the stops. This can be done with a smaller pry bar or putty knife. It may be necessary to loosen, use a utility knife to cut any paint that might be holding the pieces together.

From each side of the lower part of the frame, take off the metal track. Next take out the sash from the window frame. Now the well cover, or weight pocket cover can be removed. Now the weights are pulled out.

To install the new cords, first measure the old line and cut a new piece to that measurement. Next, pull the new one through the weight pocket and attach the weight to the new cord. Replace the weight pocket covers.

Working in reverse of the disassemble, it is time to put everything back together. The first step is to attach the cords to both sides of the frame. Next position the sash back in the frame and reattach the tracks and then the interior stops. The broken cord on the sash window is now repaired. The window will now be working as if it is new.

Tips On Enhancing Windows

Interior Design and Style Afvice for Windows and Window Treatments

All Houses will always feature windows as without windows a house would not be a home. Such portals will really be necessary. Without them, the house will get no ventilation, views, and natural illumination. It will really be incomplete. The apertures will provide great views, natural light, and good air circulation. It will really be essential then to keep such portals functional. If one wants to perform home improvement projects, they could begin through improving their apertures. It will really be a nice advice. One could acquire an upgrade which will be observed inside and outside. One will acquire varied great advantages too. One must learn some nice tips then on how they could perform this.
Window treatment ideas for interior designers and home renovation persons
When you are thinking about interior design it can often be an easy oversite to forget about the windows of a home, the windows have in the past been lickened to the "soul" of the house. Do not make the mistake and forget about the window when doinf interior design projects!!

You can start by taking small steps. You should evaluate your present apertures. You should note any damages, worn out parts, and inefficiencies. You should then do steps to improve them. You can do simple repairs. You can try to repair your apertures first before you decide to replace them. You can fix broken panes, rusted hinges, or falling sashes. You can also do refacing. You may also repaint your apertures. This would really give your apertures a fresh look. You can also save money with this as you can choose to DIY.
The apertures may be also added with window treatments. Having these treatments installed will add beauty, increase privacy, and improve energy efficiency. Varied types of window treatments can be selected for this. Drapes, valances, or curtains can be placed. Blinds, awnings, or shutters may also be added. The apertures can be done wonders with the use of these treatments without draining your funds. The home can be also given added decorations. The interiors can be complemented well with the choice if designs, materials, and colors offered.

If the apertures are already too worn out, one could opt to utilize replacement windows. One could find varied designs in this. Such replacements will be easily installed. They will feature higher energy efficiency too.

Improving the apertures will mean improving energy efficiency too. The apertures will already allow reduced heat transfer. It will be useful for lowering energy consumption in cooling and heating appliances. The utility bills will really get decreased with this.
Your house would also get added beauty. Good looking apertures can be appreciated inside and out. You would get updated looks with this.

It will increase the real estate value as well. Any project which will improve the house could increase the value. If one does improvements, potential buyers will like their property even more.

It would be really good to improve your windows. You can use various simple measures for this. With these moves, you can really get higher efficiency, increased value, and better looks.

Monday 18 March 2013

Hardwood Windows Or Soft Wood Windows: Which Will Last Longer And Why?

Hardwood Or Soft Wood, when it comes to sash window replacement it will pay off to choose the right timber If you want to know hard wood windows or soft wood windows which will last longer and why it may not seem like a difficult question to be answered, since you would expect hard wood to be more durable than soft wood. In fact, you will find that in some instances hard is softer than soft and in others soft is harder than hard. While you are puzzling about this, you should realize that there are more features and characteristics that will affect your choice than just the name of the wood type. Some typical hardwoods are mahogany, walnut, oak and ash. Softwoods used by man for home construction and millwork is often pine, cedar, spruce and Douglas fir. Hardwoods are not always hard. For example, balsa is classified as a hardwood, yet is a very light weight product. On the other hand, yew wood is technically a softwood that is harder than many hardwoods. Hardwoods and softwoods are different even at the cellular level. Softwoods only have two types of cells, called longitudinal and transverse. The hardwood microscopic structure is more complex. The water is transported by means of special cells that bring moisture and nutrients to the branches and leaves. So, the type of hardwood or softwood is more of a factor in expected longevity than the label. If you are trying to decide which woods would be best for windows, you will find more options when you look at softwoods. There are pine, spruce and fir window casings readily available in all building supply centers. Trees from which softwood lumber is milled tend to be faster growing. This feature means that the softwood frames and casings are more common and are priced lower than status windows. Because properly cared for windows will last many years, the life expectancy per dollar of price might not be critical. The cost of maintenance will probably be similar for each of the wood types. If you are prepared to pay a higher price, you will get good results from windows made of oak, mahogany or other designer woods. These woods are not only long-lived, they look great. The status of certain types of wood may be higher. If you live where weather conditions are extreme, it can affect the life of your windows. When looking at hard wood windows or soft wood windows which will last longer and why, you should consider the price per year of use. It may not be significant enough to warrant going with the higher priced windows. Of course, if you can find renovated windows of hardwood, you may have the opportunity to have status symbol windows at a bargain price. If you need further help or advice regarding window repairs and renovation why not visit www.woodenwindowworkshop.com today